Wounded Warrior Project on a Math Test

I’m not sure if this actually happened or if this is one of those things the internet claims is real but is a hoax. Either way, it’s heartwarming and makes us think that if a kid could be philanthropic on a math test than we can be just as charitable in our daily lives.

Either way, the kid isn’t wrong.

The Wounded Warrior Project has more than 46,000 alumni in its programming. More than 51,800 soldiers have been wounded in Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom.

From their website: 

For every US soldier killed in World Wars I and II, there were 1.7 soldiers wounded. In Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom, for every US soldier killed, seven are wounded. Combined, over 48,000 servicemen and women have been physically injured in the recent military conflicts.

In addition to the physical wounds, it is estimated as many as 400,000 service members live with the invisible wounds of war including combat-related stress, major depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Another 320,000 are believed to have experienced a traumatic brain injury while on deployment.