
Hello blogosphere.

Grab a cup of coffee and sit down with me as I talk about my journey through the nonprofit sector.  Over the course of the last decade, I’ve made philanthropy my career, my mission, and my hope for the world.  As a society, I believe we can do better, and I’m using this blog to share my ideas and experiences to inspire my fellow nonprofit professionals and let the world know the great work charities are doing.

About me


I suppose here in Texas, people might call me a Yankee, and I'm okay with that.  Originally from a small town in the center of Pennsylvania where there is absolutely nothing to do, I left my home, grabbing sunblock, boots, and a degree from the University of Texas at Austin along the way.  Since then, I've spent years with the American Red Cross working to create a thriving youth services and volunteer program and developed the foundation for a professional sports team. Currently, I'm fundraising my way around Texas for an amazing statewide organization.  By the by, I’ve worked with more than sixteen organizations and I'm always looking for new opportunities to learn and grow.

Why blog

It is a complicated world out there, and I’ve never met a nonprofit professional who only wears one hat.  We are all marketers, fundraisers, PR reps, and I’m sure a laundry list of other roles.  Venturing from one of the most recognizable nonprofits in the world to a start-up, one (wo)man foundation continues to be an adventure I learn from daily. Here I’ll chronicle what works, what doesn’t, and great ideas I’m absorbing from leaders in our field. 

(photo credit: Courtney Dudley)