Quest for the Best - Coffee in Japan

I can go about three hours without a cup of coffee. It is my guilty pleasure, and I rarely care who knows it. When we purchased our first home, proximity to good, local coffee was part of the decision making process, and part of our wedding-day plans includes a pitstop at San Francisco's Wrecking Ball Coffee Roasters

I was nervous as we laid out the details of our multi-week Japan trip, for fear that I'd be served green tea instead of my much-needed cappuccino. Thank goodness I couldn't have been more wrong - Japan had good tea but also fantastic coffee, and here are my favorite KISSATEN (coffee houses): 

Mount Coffee Roasters in Hiroshima. Buy a bag of beans to bring back!

Mount Coffee Roasters in Hiroshima. Buy a bag of beans to bring back!

Cafe l'ambre in Tokyo - absolutely old school.

Cafe l'ambre in Tokyo - absolutely old school.

The highlights of the trip included:

  • Blue Bottle - Tokyo, but you can also find in US
  • Kappabashi Coffee - Tokyo
  • %Coffee Arabica - Kyoto
  • Obscura Coffee Roasters - Hiroshima
  • Granknot Coffee - Osaka
  • Cafe l'ambre - Tokyo
  • Miyajima Itsuki Coffee - Miyajima
  • mount coffee - Hiroshima
Pleasantly surprised to find Blue Bottle in Toyko.

Pleasantly surprised to find Blue Bottle in Toyko.

Great cappuccino, but the hot lemonade was tasty too at Miyajima Itsuki Coffee.

Great cappuccino, but the hot lemonade was tasty too at Miyajima Itsuki Coffee.

More amazing action from Cafe l'ambre.

More amazing action from Cafe l'ambre.