How legal is your volunteer program?
Leadership, Volunteer, ImpactAmber KaniSXSW, Volunteer, FLSA, Fair Labor Standards Act, KUT, public radio, Salon, Charles Davis, IRS, Intern, Policies, Volunteer management
Event Overload
Austin, Fundraising, Leadership, Volunteer, PhilanthropyAmber KaniEvent, Gamble, Casino, Fundraiser, Vendor, Decorations, Thank You Note, Intern, Volunteer
How to Help (and what won’t help) Oklahoma Tornado Victims
Austin, Fundraising, Leadership, Volunteer, PhilanthropyAmber Kanitornado, moore, oklahoma, donate, volunteer, austin, hula hut, austin disaster relief network, salvation army, bethany lutheran church, blood center of central texas, blood, news, disaster, Volunteer, text, NPR, Sandy, All Things Considered, Celebration Church, Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, canned goods, gatorade
Nonprofit News Recap
Fundraising, Volunteer, PhilanthropyAmber KaniOMB, Obama, Burwell, Walmart, Volunteer, Russia, Donate, UAE, Sandy, Joplin, Sequester, Health, Meals on Wheels
Everything you need to know about a future employer can be found online
How to Let a Volunteer Go
The Bored Board
20 Great Free (or almost free) Volunteer Incentives
Disaster Volunteering 101