Posts tagged entrepreneur
Pandemic Era Volunteering
ImpactAmber Kanivolunteer, volunteering, nonprofit, virtual, online, virtual volunteering, EGBI, entrepreneur, small business, COVID volunteering, givepulse, volunteermatch, new philanthropists, mission capital, safe volunteering, event volunteering, virtual event
In the News...
ImpactAmber KaniAustin American Statesman, Woodforest, Foundry, women, veterans, small business, entrepreneur, peoplefund, fort worth business press, Austin Business Journal, eastside atx, 3BLMedia, Opportunities for williamson and burnet counties, owbc, regions bank, burnet, austin, food deserts, news, projects
Supporting Small Business with the Office of the Governor
Team Building, Multi-Tasking, and a Semi-viral video
Marketing, ImpactAmber Kaniviral, video, marketing, development, PeopleFund, social media, entrepreneur, small business, 80s, 500 miles, team building, staff, collaborate, film